Complaints Filed Against City of Toledo for Excessive Force and First Amendment Violations for May 30, 2020 Protests
19 plaintiffs filed charges for complaints about police misconduct that occurred during the George Floyd protests in Toledo, Ohio
Toledo, OH (June 1, 2021) – Attorney Sarah Gelsomino, partner with Friedman, Gilbert, + Gerhardstein, and Attorney D. Lee Johnson of Johnson & Associates will file a federal civil rights lawsuit against the City of Toledo on behalf of 19 protesters who experienced a range of violations of their rights during the May 30, 2020 protests in the wake of George Floyd’s extrajudicial murder.
Protestors had their First Amendment rights violated and were victims of excessive force during the protests when they were shot by the Toledo Police with wooden bullets, which caused a range of serious injuries. “The police showed no restraint in their use of force against peaceful protestors, and violated the rights of these people egregiously,” Gelsomino said.
A medic named Katey Davis, age 29, was shot in the head with a wooden bullet, which caused injuries that required immediate medical treatment. According to the suit, Davis pleaded to the police officers for assistance or transportation to the hospital. They refused and said, “You get what you get, bitch.”
Saray Pratt, age 29, was a package handler at UPS prior to being shot by TPD while holding a protest sign above her head. The wooden bullet shattered her tibia and required two surgeries.
“A Bearcat approached me at the intersection while I was holding a sign above my head. I was wearing jeans and a crop top, no one was violent. I looked up to the turret, saw an officer in all black point a rifle at me, and shoot me in the shin. My leg instantly gave out. I could see two holes in my leg. I was overcome by pain and shock. I could not believe this could happen to me in my own community. ”
“The irony that folks are exercising their First Amendment right to protest police violence, yet are met with excessive force by the police who should be protecting the protesters’ rights, highlights the disconnect,” said Johnson.